Venardos Circus
This unique, family-oriented traveling circus troupe has been touring the country for four years and was recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning! Created by former Ringling Bros. Ringmaster Kevin Venardos, this animal-free circus features a cast of aerialists, acrobats, comedians, jugglers, contortionists and daredevils hailing from around the world. The Broadway-style opening and closing singing and dancing add another level of storytelling and magic to the experience.
Steed’s Dairy
Steed’s Dairy in Grovetown offers up outdoor fall fun that includes hayrides, cow milking demos, a pumpkin patch, zip lining for kids, and much more. The main attraction, though, is the twisting, turning 5-acre corn maze. Add this to your list, as this is one of the best corn mazes in Georgia.
Grovetown Autumn Festival
Join us for the 2nd Annual Grovetown Autumn Festival on Friday, October 25th between 6pm and 9pm at Liberty Park. Wear your costumes for Trunk or Treating with local businesses and organizations. There will be a Bonfire, Contest, Games, Hay Rides, Vendors, Trunk or Treat & MORE! Information about participating as a trunk or treat vehicle, vendor or sponsor can be found at the following website or you can contact
Halloween Festival
Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy our Halloween Festival! Wear your costume for our costume contest, take a haunting (not too scary) walk on the boardwalk, play games, win prizes and dance the night away! $2 per child, NO NEED TO REGISTER
Halloween at Petersburg Campground
Join us on Saturday, Oct. 26, for a night of safe Halloween camping at Petersburg Campground at J. Strom Thurmond Lake.
USACE project volunteers at the lake will be hosting this Halloween camping event that will be open to the public from 4-7 p.m. at the Pavilion (between sites 5 & 6).
The FREE event will include pumpkin carving, hay rides, trick or treat (site to site), marshmallow roasting, face painting and a costume contest. The event is open to all (including non-campers; parking will be limited to outside the campground).
If you are interested in staying the campground past event hours, you may reserve a campsite by calling 877-444-6777 or visit
At this time, 15 campsites are still available. If you are camping, don't forget to pre-register at the gatehouse if you want to participate in the "best decorated" campsite competition (judging is at 5:30 p.m.). Questions? Contact the Project Office at 864-333-1100.